Our first year – New Year offer – Open Day – Metabolic typing and food intolerance testing – The Bread

With Imbolc last week (the Celtic holiday marking the middle of Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox) and the Chinese New Year of the Dragon approaching fast (on Feb.10), the darkest time of the year is giving space to new growth, blossoming and light ahead. Happy New Year!

Looking back at the first year of directing my focus and energies towards Naturopathy and Biofield healing I would like to begin with expressing my gratitude to all of you that have supported me with your trust and curiosity on this exciting new (and ancient) journey. With over a hundred individuals treated and around 400 measurements and treatments administered on our BioSonics devices, I feel tremendously honoured and inspired by all of your contributions in this new line of work.

As a token of my appreciation for your ongoing support I am offering for the coming months (until the end of April), to all clients of this last year, a Biosonics treatment with metabolic type/food intolerance testing for only £45 (90 min. Measurement/Testing/Treatment).
A single treatment is normally priced at £75 and a block of 3 treatments paid in advance £200.

Dedicated to The Gift we will always find ways to care for you even if your financial situation seems to prohibit a monetary commitment. Please be in touch if you need help.

I’m excited to have finally completed my academic studies as Naturopath. I believe that nutrition (in all its forms and disguises) is not only the foundation of health (and dis-ease) but also key in correcting imbalances in our bodies. In combination with the Biofield devices as both diagnostic and therapeutic tools I look forward to supporting many individuals on their journey of recovery with bespoke nutritional and lifestyle advice.

Whilst still working with my manual therapies from The Bath Practice in the centre of Bath, the requirements and setup of the Biofield devices made me find a welcoming home (that I share with a team of other, exciting therapists) at the Bath Healthcare Clinic on Bear Flat.
To introduce ourselves to our respective clients (and to each other) we are organizing a TREATMENT EXPERIENCE DAY next Saturday, Feb.10 from 10am to 4pm with free taster treatments, goody bags filled with discounts and samples and a chance to chat to us over a hot drink.
I will be offering free Biofield measurements and seated massage treatments time allowing. We are looking forward to seeing you there, please feel free to invite others interested in self-care and healing. (https://bath-healthcare.co.uk/)

At the end of last year, I had the privilege to attend a seminar of Juergen and Heidi Hoerhan on Metabolic typing in Vienna. They have both worked for many years with these Biofield devices and helped to integrate testing of metabolic types into the software, which makes it possible to test the individual’s type.
To be honest, I had never heard of metabolic types other than in eastern traditions like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) before. Developed from elements of TCM and the research of W.D.Kelly, Dr G.Watson, W.L.Wolcott and others, two Austrian nutritionists, Karin Stalzer and Christina Schnitzler, published their book on nutrition for 5 different metabolic types (“Was den einen naehrt macht den anderen krank” – what is nutritious for one will make anothers ill; 2007). The underlying assumption (similar to blood types in western medicine, Doshas in Ayurveda and Elements in TCM) is that we are all born with a certain metabolic typing at birth. The speed with which the citric acid cycle of the ATP (or energy) production in our cells is regulated depends on our individual enzymatic condition.
Watson describes 3 types, the fast oxidizer, the sub-oxidizer and the slow oxidizer relating to different nutritional requirements, whilst Kelley claims that our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) regulates our nutritional needs for energy production, distinguishing also between 3 types (sympathetic, balanced and parasympathetic types). Wolcott, an assistant of Kelley, researching failings in Kelley’s approach and the contradictions in the two systems, recognized a dominant system in individual’s cellular metabolism, that in some the ANS has a stronger influence whilst in others the oxidative system is decisive in this process.
So, whilst for certain types the standard NHS food pyramid (mostly carbohydrates that speed up the citric acid cycle, and least fats slowing it down) is optimal, the opposite is true for others.

I now can offer as part of my naturopathic and Biofield therapies to test clients on their metabolic type as well as on food intolerances, together with recommendations on optimal quantities (and exclusions of certain foods) of the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) in their diet.

Lastly, as part of my ongoing own learning in nutrition and lifestyle, I will share (some of) my experiences on this journey of healing and lifestyle, including recipes that I’ve tried and tested.
For every therapist it is not only important what they know, but also how far they have integrated their own issues. We all know that anybody that works with clients can walk with their clients only as far as they are able to walk with themselves.

From knowledge alone no real good to come, until knowledge the bride has married wisdom.” Astarius Miraculii

The Recipe:
German Gluten Free Sourdough Bauernbrot

I consider gluten and dairy as some of the most important contributors to allergies, inflammation and many chronic conditions, and exclusion of these (for a period of at least 12 weeks) might already contribute to many tangible improvements without any further interventions. Until recently (when I tested intolerant to wheat but not gluten and now indulge in the occasional rye bread and even the odd beer!) I have been following a gluten free diet for about 5 years. As a result, some early signs of a psoriatic arthritis have completely resolved.

It took me a couple of years to get this gluten-free sourdough bread to perfection. It’s a “double starter” that I bake in a cast iron pot (Spanish oven). Between steps I cover the bowl with a wet cloth to prevent the surface from drying whilst the dough is rising.
I’d be happy to share the starter and hope that this can serve as an inspiration to some of you.

With Love & Gratitude
Your Biosonics Team
Jan Erik
